Bachelor/ette Party

Have you ever asked yourself where the tradition of having a bachelor party in the weeks or months leading up to your wedding came from?
Apparently, the origins go back to the 5th century where soldiers in Sparta would drink and toast the groom the night before his wedding.
The more modern version of a bachelor party dates back to the early 19th century and the lavish “Hangover”-movie-style celebration has only gained popularity starting in the 60’s.
Bachelorette parties also have a long-standing tradition although the focus of the event used to center around purifying the body and mind before the wedding.
Anyways, nowadays, the bachelor/ette party is an occasion to celebrate the end of our single lives in happy anticipation of marriage. It is a last hurray before we enter into a deeper commitment to one another.
How to plan your bachelor/ette party?
Traditionally, the best man and maid of honour plan the bachelor and bachelorette parties. Although, it is more common for the bride and groom to take over the planning themselves or to help with the planning of the event.
Regardless of who is in charge of the planning, here are some of the most important aspects to keep in mind:
Guest list: Whom does the bride and the groom respectively want to invite to their party? Once you have a guest list and the contact information, you can set up an email or WhatsApp communication channel to get in touch with everyone and organize the party.
As soon as you have a guest list with the necessary contact information, you can organize the communication for organizing purposing using email, WhatsApp or the likes.
Budget: Before you get into any of the planning, it is good to talk about the per person budget for the party with the bride and groom. That way you can come up with a number that hopefully works for everyone on the guest list for the party.
Date: Try to find a date for the bachelor/ette party that works for everyone as soon as possible.
Activity: There are so many different ways to celebrate your bachelor/ette party.
Let’s dive into it together.
A number of websites are out there dedicated to helping your find the right activity for your bachelor party. Take a look at the following ones which are just three among many:
Let’s talk about some of the available options for your bachelorette party / bachelor party:
Spa / Wellness

How about a spa or wellness day or weekend to relax together with your besties, chat in a pleasant atmosphere and unwind. Whether it's lounging by the pool in a wellness hotel, a joint visit to the sauna with treatments, or a pedicure and manicure; relaxation and well-being are guaranteed.
Or can you hardly wait to go clubbing with your friends and party until dawn before saying “I do”? Then plan your bachelor or bachelorette party in one of Munich's top clubs.
Would you prefer to go to a special event or enjoy a shared experience for your bachelor or bachelorette party? Then here are a few ideas for you: How about going to a musical or theater together?
Another fun idea is to attend a cocktail course and learn how to make your favorite cocktails properly. If you prefer spirits over cocktails, why not book a whisky tasting? Or maybe a wine tasting is more up your alley?
If you are looking for higher energy activities for your bachelor or bachelorette party, why not do a karaoke night or explore the secrets of an Escape Room?
Perhaps you have less time available for the party or you don't want to plan a very extravagant event for your bachelor / bachelorette party? An elegant dinner in a renowned restaurant can make for an unforgettable evening. Just take a look at the list of 10 best restaurants in Munich and let it inspire you.
Athletic Activities
Willst du den JGA sportlich verbringen und mit deinen Freunden ins Schwitzen kommen und Energie abbauen? Dann könnte ein Besuch im Kletterpark / Hochseilgarten das Passende sein. Oder ihr trefft euch zum Paintball Spielen, für eine gemeinsame Yoga-Stunde, zum Schlittschuhlaufen im Winter, eine Radtour im Sommer oder sogar zum Minigolf Match?
Weekend Trip
A weekend trip to another city will definitely turn your bachelor party into unforgettable experience. Make sure your friends are willing to cover the expenses for travel, hotel, food and activities. This is one of the websites dedicated to planning bachelor party trips.
You can find more advice on how to plan a bachelor party right here.